(German text - English below) Teleflexzug - komplett mit Montagesatz, Montageanleitungen, und allen Befestigungselementen geliefert. Präzisionsteile in England entwickelt! Montage ohne zusätzliches Lochbohren. Passt genau wie Original mit vielen Vorteilen durch reduzierte Reibung, Flexibilität und weniger Vibration. genaue Getriebeschaltung - Schalthebel kehrt in Mittelstellung zurück
Messerschmitt KR200-201 Teleflexzug - Teleflex... Far superior to the old design
This new type Teleflex unit has been designed and manufactured by Alphamet Engineering Developments to address the problems of the original Messerschmitt design which can be stiff in operation, not allowing the gear lever to return to centre, leading to the gearbox sometimes jumping out of gear.Unlike the original this new type Teleflex is very compact and can easily be posted or stored in your Messerschmitt as an emergency spare should the original fail. The Alphamet Teleflex is manufactured using high quality precision components and materials including stainless steel. The flexible control cable is used in the aerospace industry and uses PTFE and Teflon, which makes it very smooth in operation and is highly wear resistant. It is a sealed unit requiring no lubrication. Gears are easily selected with finger tip control, transforming the drivability of the car, giving it a sporty feel .
Due to the low friction, the gear lever springs back to the centre position,all gears have feel and feedback. The Alphamet Teleflex is also fully adjustable at both ends, so the gear lever can be in the best position for gear engagement.
This new Teleflex uses all the original Messerschmitt fixing points so it doesn’t affect the originality of the car. It comes complete with fitting kit and full instructions.
These Alphamet Teleflex Units have now been sold with great results, many buyers saying it’s the best upgrade they have done to their car in years.